About Me

Larbert, Scotland, United Kingdom

Friday, May 25, 2007

Extra work

I have done 2 extra shifts at work so far this week, and have another two to go. They are easy shifts on checkouts - very little cleaning, not much stress and work at your own pace - bliss. Well certainly a nice change from the dirty hot frenetic, understaffed life that is my own department at the moment.

The main reason i am doing the extra is MONEY! With an elective coming up, and no additional student support to cover it, things could get a little tight in July & August, so I am trying to plan ahead.

On Tuesday night, while working a normal shift, one of the guys smashed a fire alarm point with a cage of frozen food. How, we don't know. What we do know is that the alarm sounded for about 20 minutes on and off until we found a way to silence it overnight until the engineer came out about 10am today. It did mean I was on a checkout with the 'fault' buzzer down my ear - nice, not!!

Still, only another 13 hours work to go this week. Little Miss P has persuaded me into doing an extra cashier shift next week, on her backshift night. She's a menace that girl.

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