About Me

Larbert, Scotland, United Kingdom

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A mixed up day

Well my week of interspersed good and bad news continued. This is post 100 on my blog (what do you mean you weren't counting?!?!!)

SSM Presentation
Today was the last day of my SSM (I know it's only Tuesday) and today was essay deadline and a presentation to do. In typical me style this year, I started wroiting my essay on the PC about 10pm last night. I had done some of the reading and a fair of thinking about the essay, but hadn't really decided which aspect of "Severe hearing impairment and its management" I was going to address.

SSM Essay
About 2am, it hit me like a flash - kaboom - and I wrote about the communication strategies which are available for deaf children. I won't bore you with all the details suffice to say that it was stuff that was new to me and hence made a hopefully good essay. I finished editing the essay and inserting references about 9am (and had had a 40mins sleep) and then started the presentation, which only took me about 45 minutes to write, since it was fairly basic text and I had most of the essay facts in my head.

SSM Result
We went in at 2pm and did our presentations, and handed the essay in, At the end of the presentations, the consultant had a few questions for us and then told us that we had passed the SSM!!!!!! The actual SSM grade does depend on what he thought of the essay and presentation though. And that was before he had even looked at our essays. He then asked us a few more questions about the best/worst aspects of the SSM, and what we would like more of if he runs it in the future, and then we were free!!!! Third year finished*

* except for the elective and resists
Wednesday's travels
In a very typical move, I forgot to return my Hospital Library books and so, tomorrow before I go to see the Head of Year 3 to discuss my exam performance and see where I went wrong, I hav eto go in the opposite direction to drop the library book off, thus I get no lie in!!! I also need to collect a letter from the Uni to my elective supervisor and then meet Little miss P for Hot Chocolate on her day off (she doesn't do coffee or tea!), then I am through to Edinburgh for the start of a 4 and a bit day extravaganza of techie stuff in Glasgow, interspersed with some work shifts and a party on Friday night.

So my blogging may be a wee bit haphazard until Monday.

But first i am off to celebrate Cott's being open til 1 through the festival by sampling the Addlestones with Butcher boy!

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